Monday, September 28, 2009

Information overload #3

Back to technology, a statistic has been quoted about the number of new blogs being added everyday (I don't want to provide a number - people will think I am making it up!). The number of blogs means everyone (including me) gets to express an idea in cyberspace. But how many last? How many people read blogs regularly? What is the life span of a blog? Linked to that, is the question about information overload.
When is what other people write interesting, and when is it too much?


  1. I agree Adele - there is too much out there. Hence, next week, we'll be looking at ways to filter the flood of info, to a focused stream of USEFUL and RELEVANT material that is desgiend specifically for our own set of interests, however diverse they may be.

  2. I've looked at quite a few blogs and suspect that many of tehm are there just to make the writers feel good, not for anyone else to read and take note of - certainly not strangers, anyway. Is this so wrong? Well, there are parallels in the academic industry with which we are familiar, and no this isn;t a dig at abstruse research - any large bureaucracy (think Government) does an awful lot of stuff that benefits no-one but its own staff
