Sunday, September 27, 2009

Brands I am boycotting - Nestle

OK,enough of the warm fuzzy stuff. Time to get militant - and use Web 2.0.
Grace Mugabe sells milk off her dairy farms to Nestle (note - plural). How did she get them - ask the farmers who were dispossessed. Nestle admits they buy from her farms, contravening EU sanctions. Their excuse - their headquarters are in Switzerland, and they have "broken no laws". They "just buy on the open market".
My family will not be buying any Nestle brands for the next 3 months. I will have to find new chocolates (or go without)(Aero)and find other coffee (Nescafe) and cat food (Friskies).
I will do without if necessary. I know they don't care. I am sure my actions alone will not impact their profits. But I do care about the morality of business.
Perhaps they will think more morally the next time they "buy in the open market".

See the detailed report at:


  1. Hurray Nestle have withdrawn from the deal. Well, as I read the story they will still be using the disgusting Mugabe's milk but after it's been laundered (can't really say whitewashed when we're talking about milk) through a dairy board.

    Mind you, I've been wary of Nestle products ever since the Indian baby formula scandal of a couple of decades ago, bad PR seems to follow that mob around, doesn't it?

  2. Thanks for the link. Here in SA they are reporting that Nestle will not buy directly from the dairy. Hmm. What about "indirectly"?
