Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blogging for money

I was reading the other day about a chap who blogs every day - and gets paid to mention various names (He earns more money than most South Africans). Besides admiring his entrepreneurial ability, one has to wonder what effect his WOM has on the success (sales) of the organisation. Plus, what about the measurement of the success? What really is the difference between what advertising does and what he does on his blog?


  1. Some bloggers have an audience in the thousands, so this WOM is definitely going to be influential. Did you see the report earlier this week that bloggers in the USA will have to fully disclose any such interests?

  2. I saw that report; how on earth could such a rule be implemented given the ease with which alternative identities can be created on line?

  3. That's what the blog topic was going to be tonight - disclosure. At least we know that they regard it as an endorsement! (not advertising!)

  4. @Col: Don't forget that creating a "new identity" means that you'll lose all of your audience. We are learning to follow those that we trust, so any newcomer (i.e. fake identity) will have to build a reputation before they are able to gain any credibility. Few followers = no problem!

  5. Wags, i was thinking that a new identity would build followership from scratch. It's difficult for an existing identity to chnage. As an example, here's a story Adele will love - combining naughty nestle with blogging


  6. Enjoyed the flak received by Nestle. Serves them right. The boycott goes ahead - and mine has nothing to do with formula!
