Monday, September 28, 2009

Information overload #3

Back to technology, a statistic has been quoted about the number of new blogs being added everyday (I don't want to provide a number - people will think I am making it up!). The number of blogs means everyone (including me) gets to express an idea in cyberspace. But how many last? How many people read blogs regularly? What is the life span of a blog? Linked to that, is the question about information overload.
When is what other people write interesting, and when is it too much?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Brands I am boycotting - Nestle

OK,enough of the warm fuzzy stuff. Time to get militant - and use Web 2.0.
Grace Mugabe sells milk off her dairy farms to Nestle (note - plural). How did she get them - ask the farmers who were dispossessed. Nestle admits they buy from her farms, contravening EU sanctions. Their excuse - their headquarters are in Switzerland, and they have "broken no laws". They "just buy on the open market".
My family will not be buying any Nestle brands for the next 3 months. I will have to find new chocolates (or go without)(Aero)and find other coffee (Nescafe) and cat food (Friskies).
I will do without if necessary. I know they don't care. I am sure my actions alone will not impact their profits. But I do care about the morality of business.
Perhaps they will think more morally the next time they "buy in the open market".

See the detailed report at:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Braaivleis, rubgy, sunny skies and Chevrolet

While we are on the Heritage track (and 24 September being Heritage day and Braai day), I was reminded of the wonderful jingle we grew up hearing - "braaivleis, rugby, sunny skies and Chevrolet" (repeated a few times of course). For those in consumer behaviour, I wasn't very old (really!) but still remember the lines that follow ("they go together, in the good old RSA"). The images (as in most advertising) showed very happy people driving a Chevrolet (of course)and all singing cheerfully.
It seems that not only did Fray Bentos pies and creme soda taste better, but the jingles were better!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brands I remember

Today is Heritage day, and I was thinking about the brands I have such positive memories in my mind. Some are still around (creme soda coldrink, though it doesn't taste quite the same) while others are not. The specific one I have been thinking about is Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney pies. I remember my late grandmother (Nana) serving them regularly. It would come in a tin and you would have to take the lid off before baking it in the oven. They were always so nice, with the creme soda coldrink!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Having a holiday

Well, for those eager blogfollowers, sorry to disappoint you all. Tomorrow is a public holiday in SA, and its time to prepare for some time off.
Will have time to think... perhaps.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The challenges of students online

Just to go back the other party in education, if we want to "gently lead a student back to himself" as the task of education, we make a number of assumptions about the party. They must want to be led, they must be able to read (and understand what is said).
So, what's with this "leading". You can only lead someone where you have been. Am I really able to do this? How do I encourage a student to "be led"? What about the attitude of the leader i.e. my attitude to leading others?
Rather challenging I say!!

Working with technology

I read a really interesting comment today about the task of academic - that students can get any information they want online. So what is my job as an academic?
It can't be "the fount of all knowledge" - the Internet has more than I can know. Perhaps Leo Buscaglia's definition of education is appropriate - the process of "gently leading you back to yourself". To me this means enabling students to find what they can apply and how to use the information. This in turn changes the way they see the world.
Definitely sounds idealistic.
More on this tomorrow!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Less excitement than just now!!

It really is quite something to see one's thoughts online - when you have no idea who may (or may not) read it.
It was really very easy to create.
I have been thinking about Web 2.0 and how easy it is for anyone to say whatever they want - virtually unchallenged. Of course, being a marketer, that means that an organisation has to take care with anyone being able to put up a blog in cyberspace. And to follow the blogs that people are writing.
I have always said this in class to students, really unaware of how easy it all is.
Anyone who is going to join me?

I have done it!!!

Well everyone. Here I am with a presence in cyberspace.
Will anyone find my thoughts interesting??
Time will tell