Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nestle in Zim - the saga continues

Interesting follow-up to one of my earlier posts. Check this out!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Some time without technology

I have just returned from an awesome trip to Australia. It was so good to meet fellow-bloggers in person, and know something about them!
Tomorrow we are off to Kruger Park, going looking for animals. At the moment, the most appealing part is that I will be leaving some of my technology behind (laptop) but taking the rest with (BlackBerry). At least I haven't set it up yet for emails, so will not bother. Plus, the cellphone coverage is limited to the camps, so I have an excuse not to bother. YEAH!! I will post the best pictures on my blog when I return.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Computerised marking?

I hadn't thought of using computers to mark essays, but in the UK it appears that they are using it. Very interesting article on how the computer marks!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The title of this blog is actually a misnomer. It's not the end - it's only the start of things to come.
I have realised how easy much of this. I think I have learned not to be intimidated by the technology, but to "jump in" and see what happens. I think I will using Wikis, and blogs. We are using a wiki for a book we are writing - that people can indicate which chapters they would like to write. It really was easier than sending out all those mails!
Twitter and I will last a very short time only. I didn't really think that there was as much value in it as I thought there would be. The same for RSS feeds.
Most of all, I have discovered I can do this - and maybe I can encourage others to explore this also!
Thanks Peter Wags for the idea and visiting the blogs... I really appreciate it.

#22 - nearly there!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

#21 Podcasts

I have a confession to make. I have an iPod - and download podcasts often through iTunes.
Does this disqualify me from the iPod draw?

#20 YouTube videos explained

As you can see, I tend to go a bit overboard. We are told to embed 1 video - and I do 4. So now I have to write 4x as much.
Clip 1 is of Jeremy Taylor. I remember this rather vividly, except of course he sang about nigger balls (those sweets that started out black and eventually went down to nothing... and that changed colour as they went) but we know, that like the golliwogs, they are inherently racist, so that had to get changed.
Clip 2: VW then adapted the jingle for their Volksie Bus.
Clip 3: VW people - a lovely ad that doesn't sell anything, but promotes employees in the organisation. The MD of VWSA is in the ad, and apparently people took time off to have their hair done for the advert. Apparently it was a highlight for many VW employees.
Clip 4: This is an Andre de Villiers song that captures the VW feeling - note all the different VWs the family own.
This was such fun and quite simple to do.
I hope my Australian colleagues who are following this blog will enjoy the SA ads!